Maple Grove Baptist Church 2501 Stamey Cove Road  -  Waynesville, NC 28786  -  Pastor Tommy Carlisle


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  • Name: Tom Brailsford (Angie)
    Date: Wednesday, September 16 2009 - 1:12 AM

    Comment: Hey, Bro. Tommy and Sis Elise. I stumbled onto this site by accident but glad I did. I was looking for the crown website and noticed your church. Come see us, we miss you. Better yet, maybe we need to come see you - I'm sure it must be cooler there. Still love you, tom and angie

  • Name: J Carrol Jones
    Date: Wednesday, September 16 2009 - 1:12 AM

    Comment: I spent the week with Pastor Carlisle at meeting in Laurel, In. I enjoyed his company and he is a good preacher! May the LORD bless Maple Grove!

  • Name: Rhonda Jenkins
    Date: Wednesday, September 16 2009 - 1:12 AM


  • Name: Valeriy Matveychuk
    Date: Wednesday, September 16 2009 - 1:12 AM

    Comment: Dear brothers and sisters! I have only one way left that is to get in touch with you. I will tell in short about myself. I am Valery Matveychuk. I live in Odessa, Ukraine. I’m 43 years old. I am an invalid, I have muscular dystrophy of Duchenne, I have to stay in bed for many years. I’m a member of First Baptist Church in Odessa. My faith in our Lord Jesus Christ helps my in life and give strength to overcome the disease and problems which unfortunately are many. The Lord works miracles. I’m confined to my bed but still can “come” to church and together with my brothers and sisters pray and praise the Lord – how great it is that we are together. Brothers in Christ take me in my wheelchair to church and it’s not easy. I’m completely motionless and of course very heavy, but they don’t leave me alone. On my birthday on July 21 in 2002 they bought me a computer on their own money. It was my dream for a long time and now I have an access to e-mail. I’ve always had a dream to have fellowship with Christians and interesting people from different towns and countries. And now the Lord through brothers and sisters made this dream come true. Also through the Internet I am looking for information about my disease – doctors, clinics, funds etc. “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8. I was 43 on July 21. I was born in 1965 and when I was 5 in 1970 I got sick. Now I’m completely helpless, hands can hardly work, I can’t even take a cup, it’s too heavy for me. I suddenly felt worse in fall 1979 when I was 14, then the condition got even worse in 1982 overnight when I was 17, I even remember the date – from August 31 on September 1. Since them the condition gets worse continuously, though there is no way to get it worse already. And at the beginning of summer in 1988 I fell down and broke my leg (femoral bone) and stayed in plaster for many months and it’s a disaster for such sick as me. In fact, I broke the leg twice, first time when I fell down and the second time the drunken hospital workers broke it when they carried me from home to hospital for x-ray. But nobody was surprised, I just live in a country like this. In hospitals people often die because they just didn’t get the simple medical aid. Since 1970 and until now neuropathologists prescribe the same medicine to me, which never helped me and I felt even worse. It seems like our medicine stopped developing in 1970. I have friends who always help me, I may say that I live at their expense. Seeing my condition and our medicine here in Ukraine, they decided to find help in western civilized counties. As I have a lot of free time, they told me to start search though my English is not good for that. I’m looking for hospitals, clinics, charity funds which work with sick people like me. I realize that it’s impossible to bring me back to normal life but I hope that there is a way at least to help my hands and to improve my general condition. If I could just crawl it would be a big progress for me. For instance, I know that it’s used gene therapy, tube cells and other methods treating muscular dystrophy of Duchenne, but all of these are not used in Ukraine, everything is on the level of 1970 and the doctors agree with that. My muscles and joints constantly aches, flabbiness. My friends see how hard it is for me and ready to help me. But the problem is to find a place where they work effectively with patients like me. That’s why I’m asking your help. As I said before, I understand that I won’t walk any more especially after breaking the leg, but if I could work with my hands better it will be a big success for me. Dear brothers and sisters, may be there is someone who could help me with information. One interesting fact is that I was able to find hospitals where they work with muscular dystrophy but when they hear that I’m from poor Ukraine they quit writing. It’s sad but Ukraine is considered as a country of the third world. And there is no hospital which will be ready to work with an invalid from a country like that! That’s why I decided to try to do something through Christians. Peace to you. Komitetskay str, 11/17, appt.63, building1, Odessa, 65091, Ukraine for Valeriy Matveychuk phone +38048-714-52-54 or My church Page in Russian!

  • Name: Alisha Cole
    Date: Wednesday, September 16 2009 - 1:12 AM


    Date: Wednesday, September 16 2009 - 1:12 AM


  • Name: jeff moore
    Date: Wednesday, September 16 2009 - 1:12 AM

    Comment: really like your website. looking forward when it is more finished, good start though. i was looking so forward in hearing you preach last fall up here in ND. your brother & sister in Christ, Jeff & Stephanie Moore

  • Name: Marvin Cook
    Date: Wednesday, September 16 2009 - 1:12 AM

    Comment: We really enjoyed spending time with you during our trip home. Next time maybe I will leave the cold weather up here. You folks are very special to us and we hold you close to our hearts and pray for you always!! Thanks for giving to the Lord!!!! Your Missionaries to North Dakota.

  • Name: Clay and Paula Payne
    Date: Wednesday, September 16 2009 - 1:12 AM

    Comment: Love the website!

  • Name: Cook Family
    Date: Wednesday, September 16 2009 - 1:12 AM

    Comment: Keep up the good work, and keep the pictures coming. Glad to be your missionaries to the Dakota's.

  • Name: Jennifer Fisher
    Date: Wednesday, September 16 2009 - 1:12 AM

    Comment: I love the website... what a blessing!!

  • Name: Ronnie and Judy Bell
    Date: Wednesday, September 16 2009 - 1:12 AM

    Comment: Great looking Website. It is good to see our Church back online again.

  • Name: Gary Hawkins
    Date: Wednesday, September 16 2009 - 1:12 AM

    Comment: My name is Bro Gary Hawkins out of freedom baptist church were the good pastor is J.T.Byerly working with kjbb and wghw radio stations were are of like faith of pastor Bobby Roberson pastor Clarance Sexton pastor Jack Trieber,and we are looking for some good men of GOD to help us spread the gospel around the world to a lost and dying world so please pray about being on our radio station this is to help strengthen churches help starting churches as the Lord permits 5 minutes to a hour day and we also need some people to help adopt some towns sponsor men like those of the days gone by so we can keep some of the greats alive! Bro. Gary Hawkins 336-624-6406

  • Name: The Bell's
    Date: Wednesday, September 16 2009 - 1:12 AM

    Comment: Nice web site. We are proud to be your missionaries to Maine.

  • Name: Norma Fisher
    Date: Wednesday, September 16 2009 - 1:12 AM

    Comment: Glad we are back on line.

  • Name: Howard Crumpler
    Date: Wednesday, September 16 2009 - 1:12 AM

    Comment: This is great. So glad to have you back on.Really enjoy this site

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(c) 2009 Maple Grove Baptist Church